2021-2022 Program

September 21

"Boomer Gardening"

Priscilla Husband

on the Lawn of the Chatham Community Center

 A new perspective on aging gardeners: down-sizing and simplifying for health and enjoyment! With gardening experience of 35 years, Priscilla has learned to read nature’s signals to inform her approach to gardening.  She is a partner with Mother Earth and always looks to strike a balance in gardens.  “My goal is to help people to define their garden dreams and then fulfill them.”  This year Priscilla has partnered with Agway as a Garden Coach.

October 19

Movie at the

Chatham Orpheum Theater

"The Life and Times of Beatrix Farrand"

This is the first documentary ever produced about the life and gardens of Beatrix Farrand, the most successful female landscape architect in early 20th century America and one of the founders of the American Society of Landscape Architects. (www.beatrixfarrand


This compelling film chronicles the life of Beatrix Farrand (1872-1959), the niece of Edith Wharton, who grew up in the privileged world of the East Coast elite and fought through the challenges of working in a male-dominated profession to design over 200 landscape commissions during her remarkable 50-year career.  The film producer Karyl Evans will introduce the film and be available for questions at the end of the movie.

November 16


"Fall Decorations"  Presentation and Workshop by Sonny Gada

Celebrating 50 years of floral design and education, Sonny will share his expertise and love of all things floral. With his experience as the Director of the Doris Duke’s English Gardens in New Jersey and his continuing work at the Stony Hill Exchange, Sonny will give us wonderful ideas for the holiday season.

  Workshop from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M.

$30/participant (limit of 15)

Contact Linda Halvorsen to sign up.

(Bring a carved-out pumpkin,

if you wish to use one as a base).

Presentation after Business Meeting @ 1 P.M.

Both at the Community Center.

December 14

12:45 P.M.

Holiday Luncheon at Wequassett Resort

Come and enjoy this festive time of year with friends in a beautiful setting,

 enjoying delicious food. 


Cash Bar @ Noon

Seated Luncheon @ 12:45 P.M.

2021-2022 Program

January 18

At this point, the program this month is cancelled due to COVID.

Newsletter for January

February 15

"Rose Gardens of Cape Cod"

by Irwin Ehrenreich

In the month of the Flower of Love, be sure to meet the Rose Man! Rosarians Irwin Ehrenreich and his wife Cindy care for over 500 roses in their own garden – along with hundreds more for their rose care clients. Join us for Irwin’s presentation “Rose Gardens of Cape Cod” with gardens designed, planted, and maintained by Irwin & Cindy. View and be enchanted by the Rose Gardens at Heritage Museums & Gardens, at their Barnstable property, and at other Cape Cod properties.

Sproutings Newsletter

March 15

"Designing, Constructing and Planting the Entry Garden"

by Warren Leach

  Warren Leach is the owner of Tranquil Lake Nursery in Rehoboth, Ma.  He will take a before and after tour of entry gardens, focusing on design and construction techniques that will provide a rich palette of year-round beauty and low maintenance.

April 19

"Get Your Garden Ready for Spring"

by Donelle Denery

Donelle lives in Eastham and has been a Master Gardener since 2014.  She grew up in a family of gardeners and, during college summers, worked on a farm raising both flower and vegetables.  While vegetable gardening is a hobby, her passion is gardens of fragrant plants and water features.  Her garden will be on the Hydrangea Festival tour in July of 2022.

May 3

Special Joint Meeting with the Garden Club of Harwich

Meet and Greet

Harwich Cultural Center

204 Sisson Re (Rt 39)

12:30 P.M.


‘Swing into Spring’


Thelma Shoneman

Thelma is a nationally accredited flower show judge.  She retired after 20 years of owning her flower shop in Concord, MA, but continues to exhibit and present programs throughout New England.  All attendees will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to take home one of her demonstration arrangements.

May 17

Panel Presentation

Chatham and Cape Cod Conservation Organizations


Representatives of various organizations involved in conservation in our town and on Cape Cod will give a brief overview of their mission and be available for questions.  Come see how you and your gardens can be part of the solution.

June 14

12:30 P.M.

Picnic in

Jen Stello's Garden

Bring your own chair, sandwich and beverage.  Dessert will be provided.

159 Tide Mill Lane 

(Off Shattuck Place)

Parking at Jen's house or at Chase Park off 
Shattuck Place

June Sproutings

 (Click to access)


July 8-17

Don't forget to save these dates for the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival!

Chatham's Date is July 15th!